Monday, February 20, 2006

On Noble Ideals

Ideal — definition, an ennobling and enlightening concept which exists in the ephemeral to thus justify our doing terrible things to people in the material. See Liberation, Peace & Justice, etc.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Slime

You know, I haven’t written much about Dickie (“Quick-Draw”) Cheney and his fun little gun. Mostly that’s because, at first, I thought it was just an accident and a personal tragedy.

Yet, with the passing of time, that’s gotten harder to believe. We have discovered that there were so many lies and evasions . . .

And, you know, I can’t help thinking, you remember back when President Clinton’s secretary of commerce, Ron Brown, was killed in a plane crash — which was, gawdamit, an accident — and almost instantly all the Neocon GOP slime spreaders came out from under their rocks to tell the world that he’d been assassinated?

Well, imagine, just imagine what would have happened . . . the stories, the falsehoods, the dis-information, the smear job up the wazoo . . . that we’d be living with now if Cheney had been a Democrat.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Search Engine Boogie

So the Feds want all the search engines, like Google, to provide the details of anyone who looks for illegal stuff. But, not to worry — the Feds tell us — we’re only looking for perverts, child pornographers, and terrorists.

Well . . . them . . . plus ACLU members, people who voted for Gore, New Orleans residents who aren’t thrilled with FEMA, Blue State citizens, critics of the war in Iraq, and anyone who has ever vaguely suspected that Karl Rove looks lot like a warthog with a glandular problem.

But, hey! Six of one, half a dozen . . .

Friday, February 10, 2006

Those Cartoons

So, like most of us, I’ve been watching the riots in Islamic countries about those rather vile cartoons published in Denmark.

And, like most of us, I get all huffy about freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, and, besides, maybe we in the West would be a little less eager to print pictures of the Prophet with a bomb on his head if maybe his followers had declined, at least once in a while, not to blow us and each other up at regular intervals for about the last half century.

But, that said . . . given the realities of modern international strife . . . and all those hyperventilating mobs in places like Teheran . . . and everything . . . well . . .

Note to the Danish Press: If you really wanted to commit hari kari, couldn’t you have stayed at home and shot yourself in the head? Would have been a lot quicker.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Knight Mare

J.J. Bittermuch writes me from the fifth circle (the Wraithful) of Hell:

In Boston there’s a local publication that covers the night-life and café scene. In a recent issue, the publication printed the results of an informal survey of women asking if chivalry was dead. The general opinion was that it was not only dead but dang near starting to draw flies.

One typical comment from an interviewee was “Although [we are] independent, equal, and fabulous, we still deserve to be treated like ladies. Pay for my meal, open my door, pull out my chair, damn it.”

Fascinating. A total crock of hairy quadruped excrement, but fascinating.

Look, Lady, and I use the term loosely, most men of the last few generations grew up listening to Feminists define all men as pigs and all sex as rape. We listened while women announced that the Y-chromosome was a sexually transmitted disease. We were there while female academics proclaimed us the children of Cain. We watched while women announced that every male was, at best, an impotent sit-com daddy, and at worst, an animal.

And now you have the brass-plated chutzpah to demand that we treat you like a fairy tale princess?


Listen, redefine me . . . at least a little, at least once in a while . . . as Saint George rather than the Dragon, and then maybe we can talk about the shining armor.

Until then . . . well . . .

Galahad has left the building.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Rolling Stones of the Union

So I watched the State of the Union thing the other night. In it, our fearless leader said we were addicted to oil and needed to mend our ways.

Truth enough, but, you know . . .

This is an administration which is so wired into the oil industry that you can’t figure out where the pipeline leaves off and Cheney’s pacemaker picks up.

And these guys are telling us to consume less?

Come on, that’s like Keith Richards passing out DARE stickers.