Monday, March 19, 2007

under theorized

Theorization: the process by which the intangible is made indefensible by the insufferable.


So I see in the paper that there’s a company that is offering women classes on how to seem “approachable.” It seems that some of them are having trouble finding relationships at least partly because they respond to even the most polite, civil, and courteous men with cutting remarks and chill distain. They are then mystified as to why they don’t get asked out.

I love America.

In what other civilization do you have to teach people that maybe— just maybe— the proper response to the honorable attentions of a gentleman might not be a swift kick in the nuts?

Sorry, sorry, sorry!!!!

...for being gone so long.

Complex state affairs. I'll spare you the grim details. Suffice to say that it involved taxes, my continuing struggles with the Ph.D. program, turning 50, my very first colonscopy (such fun), and driving back from the Bronx to Boston in the middle of an ice storm.

More than fun than bobbing for leeches.