Hello, Everyone,
So, what can I say, I'm still not posting here very much. Mea Culpa. I'm so sorry. And feel free to whack me with a big stick when you get a chance.
And I wish I had a good excuse…like, maybe that I'd been kidnapped by aliens or hit by a blimp. But, alas, 'tis not the case. I've just been plain busy. I've got this book project I'm working on…a kind of a history-travel book about several cities…I just finished a 76 page chapter on Boston.
And I've got papers to grade. And classes to teach. And freelance gigs to find. And I'm still looking for a full time job. And…oh, yes, there are those voodoo dolls I'm doing for use on a certain millionaire investment bankers ..and maybe a certain dissertation committee…or ex-committee, as the case may be. And those are just taking far more time and effort than I'd expected.
So, I haven't been posting here.
But, not to worry, because, you see, if I were posting here on a regular basis, and telling you all about my life, all I'd be saying would be, "Cripes, I'm overworked, underpaid, unappreciated, disrespected, overtaxed, under-medicated, hyper-tense, humiliated, and, by the way, I'm so tired that when I travel the airlines charge me extra for the bags under my eyes."
So…when you feel the need to hear from me, well, just go look in the mirror.
If you are in any way like 99.9% of us today, you'll get exactly the same message…and you won't even have to boot up your computer.
Talk about efficiency.
Onward and upward.
Copyright © 2010 Michael Jay Tucker