I'm experimenting a bit more with videos at the moment. I'm not quite sure why. I'd never intended this to be a "Vlog." And, certainly, I'm nobody's idea of a photogenic superstar.
Still...it's interesting to play with cameras and special effects, no matter how crude they may be. And, besides, I've not been posting here much. Just haven't had the time mostly, but also the motivation's been a bit lacking. Maybe this refocus me. Re-establish my interest in this, my most personal form of personal expression.
What got me into Vlogging (this time, I've done it before) was doing some mildly promotional videos for Belfort & Bastion, my micro-publishing company. In the the next entries, I'll put links to the places where you can see some of the more interesting of those videos.
Anyway, that's what I'm up to.