So, here’s something I’ve talked about before, but I’ll revisit it in light of the current election…
Certain figures in American politics (mostly on the Right) tell me, quite forcefully, that they represent the best in us. They say they are principled, strong, wise, and, for lack of a better term, genuinely American and truly Christian.
Which may be so…but…well…
I am a middle class, middle-aged chap who lives in the suburbs. I pay my bills on time. I don’t deal in drugs or steal cars or snatch purses. I have never cheated on my wife and don’t intend to. I don’t molest children. I even go to church on a regular basis.
And yet…
I just can’t escape the feeling that if those figures in politics, with all their self-professed morality, should come to power…
I might find myself in a very difficult position. I might find my, shall we say? position in society…terminated.
With extreme prejudice.
The Rumblings Abdominal
5 years ago