Hello, Everyone!
So just about a year ago (on 5 July, 2020, to be precise) I announced that I was moving this blog, explosive-cargo, to my own webpage. You can see the page here, MichaelJayTucker.com and you can see the new version of explosive-cargo here, https://www.michaeljaytucker.com/blog
Well, I’m not moving the blog back here. Heck, I had enough problems just getting everything packed up and schlepped last time :-)
But, I did realize that maybe I could post some pointers to what I’m writing about here, just in case anyone hasn’t followed me over to my address. So, I’m going to start doing that!
Which is all another way of saying, Stay Tuned, Everyone. Lot’s more coming!
#Xcargo #explosive-cargo #Xcargo #Michael_Jay_Tucker
Not me, but how I looked moving to MichaelJayTucker.com