Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July 21, 2024

Like many other Democrats, I was appalled and ashamed when I heard this morning that Joe Biden had withdrawn. First, I was appalled because I think he is a good and a noble man, and I believe he could have easily won against Donald Trump.

Second, I was ashamed because I know that his withdrawal had nothing with his own performance in office -- which, let’s face it, was stellar -- but because the party elite and several hugely wealthy individuals had united against him, and used means both fair and foul to force his hand. 

I will, of course, support whoever is the Democratic nominee in November--which looks to be Kamala Harris. Donald Trump is simply too dangerous for me to do otherwise. I will, therefore, be on Team Blue without reservation. I will volunteer, I will donate money, I will text other democrats, I will canvas...

But, there is also a part of me that will always be aware that the will of the Party Faithful, of the men and women who went to the polls and selected Biden, was simply disregarded by Those Who Think They Know Best.

And, I will know that such people cannot be allowed to remain in charge of the Party...if only because the party of democracy must not be governed by autocrats.

So, yes...I will do everything I can to defeat Trump.

But after that...?

I must take stock. And think long.

And hard.

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