Sunday, July 07, 2024

Irresponsible Adults

 Here’s the situation. If Trump gets back into the White House, we’re in deep trouble. That’s inescapable. We either vote blue or endure fascism. 

We also only have a short time between now and November. The only candidate who already has the necessary organization in place, who has the volunteers, who has the funding, and most of all, who has the name recognition to win against Trump is Joe Biden. That is a simple fact.

Yet, some powerful people in the Democratic Party, and in the media, called for Biden to step down. Given the reality of the situation, this is a perfect blue print for defeat.

When I was a boy, I remember my father talking about “irresponsibility” and the Vietnam war. He was no fan of the war, but he became incensed when critics would suggest that the war was being mis-managed (which it was, admittedly) and then demanded that the military do everything differently. They had, of course, some elaborate plan that was to be put in place.

But the reality was that such vast changes in strategy and tactics could only be managed with enormous effort. While the changes were underway, the other side would have simply won without breaking a sweat.

Thus the critics’ were irresponsible. 

And I fear that’s exactly what Biden’s critics are at the moment--irresponsible. They are calling for changes which cannot be made without losing the war entirely.

That’s something to be thought about after the election if Biden wins.

If he doesn’t win, it will be because of these same Elites and Pundits, and our only consolation is that under a Fascist dictatorship,  they will be the first into the camps, and in front of the firing squads.

It awaits them.

Saturday, July 06, 2024

From The People Who Brought You Pearl Harbor

 I really admire Hillary Clinton, and I voted for her in 2016. But I also knew that she was greatly disliked by many Americans, and I feared for the worst when she was made the nominee. 

And, of course, the worst happened. It happened because the leadership decided she should be president, regardless of her actual electability, and they imposed her on the ticket in spite of, not because of what the voters wanted (which seems to have been Bernie Sanders). And, so, what we also got was Donald Trump, four years of chaos, Covid, and a very near economic disaster. 

But I think we now have a very similar situation on our hands. When Democratic elites, media members, and various pundits demanded Biden step down, they were effectively stating that their opinion about who should be president was more important than what voters believed -- and voters repeatedly said that they were sticking with Biden, regardless.

I think, then, that we need to look very hard at this situation. And we need to ask, in future, if the Party’s leadership needs to be shaken up a bit.

And maybe reconstructed entirely.

A pompous ass...

Friday, July 05, 2024

They Just Don’t Get It.

I read an article a while back on the recent attempt by some “high ranking” Democrats to replace Joe Biden with someone younger and “more with it.” The article made the interesting point that the move was coming from “Democratic elites and nonpartisan pundits.”* 

The problem being, of course, that’s not who votes. Who votes is people, not pundits and not elites. And if either group had bothered to actually ask anyone who lives outside the Beltway or where-ever, they would have discovered that there was absolutely no support for the dangerous and probably suicidal move of switching horses in mid-stream, or given our present circumstances, in mid-tidal wave.

The fact that they would suggest such an idea without bothering to discover whether there was any support for it, says a great deal about our Elites...and little that is flattering.

Perhaps we need to ask if the Democratic party really needs leadership of that sort. Of, in other words, Democrats who are so un-democratic.

A member of the party elite...a.k.a., a pompous ass.

Footnote: “This Wouldn’t Be the First Time an Incumbent Stepped Aside. Here’s What Happened Last Time,” By JOSHUA ZEITZ, 07/03/2024 05:00 AM EDT, Politico Magazine.

#Democrats, #Elites #VoteBlue #anti-Biden

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Those Who Know Best...don’t.

What fascinates me about the recent attempt to force Biden out for someone else...someone “more fit” that effort seems to be coming entirely from Democratic Party insiders and potent pundits of several sorts. It does not seem to be coming from, or even be supported, by most ordinary voters.

In other words, it is an effort by Elites to remove a candidate who has been a bit too plebeian for them. That is amazing. And it makes one realize that the Democratic leadership is dangerously removed from the ordinary voters who do not live inside the Beltway, or in certain enclaves on the coasts.

Which also may explain how Donald Trump got elected in the first place.

After November, when Biden is (please God) safely in the White House for another four years, we will need to consider that fact. And perhaps plan action.


They're just so sure they know best.

Happy Fourth

 Before I get started blogging, I thought I'd share this. It's also on my regular blog (at but I thought I'd share it here.

This is a dark and dangerous, but let's at least celebrate the events, and the people, who made America a nation, and one with aspirations of Democracy at that.

Okay, I'm back

 Hi, Everyone,

So, as you know, I do most of my blogging now at But I feel the need to something a bit more political. So, at least through the end of this year, I'll posting here as well.

Stay tuned.

