One of the BIG THINGs in the academy for the last couple of generations has been postmodernism (a.k.a., that stuff they had in the Matrix but with a French accent). Boiled down to elementals, the postmodernists (PoMos for short) teach that we are all sealed into our little bubbles of perception and therefore can never share a common reality. Nor does any one single “reality” exist. In fact, what we think of as “Reality,” is really a “hegemonic narrative” imposed by an exploitive and oppressive social elite to maintain its dominance over the rest of us.
Thus – and I’ve actually heard this said – whether or not there really was a Holocaust is both un-provable and irrelevant. What matters is who tells the tale and why. The answer is – or so say some of my professors – the Jews, who employ the “narrative” of genocide to justify Zionism and gain a privileged position in social interactions.
On reflection, I’ve decided there is a proper response to PoMos.
It involves an Uzi.
The Rumblings Abdominal
5 years ago
You know, I still have every "issue" you published in Xcargo since 1995. That over 350 rants! It's nice to know that you've mellowed in your Golden Years.
It's nice to be reading you again.