Saturday, April 22, 2006

new blog

For those who might be interested, I've set up a new blog devoted to my video experiments. It is:



Starr System

Speaking of Ken Starr (remember him?) there was another piece in the paper this morning that interested me. It seems that state prosecutors are notoriously underpaid. Thus, many of them have to take second jobs (the paper mentioned one who was a dance instructor, another who worked for a funeral home) just to make ends meet.

Now, this is significant, for you will recall that state prosecutors are the people responsible for convicting murderers and rapists. But, them, we don’t pay.

Meanwhile, how many million dollars was it that Ken Starr blew through in an attempt to prove there was a stain on a blue dress . . .?

So, I guess . . . when the GOP talks about “law and order” . . . it means defending Dacron everywhere.

Moral Authority

The paper this morning was a cheery thing. Just chock-o-block full of stories of pedophiles protected and sheltered by the Church, a Priest accused of being a member of sex ring which exploited women and children and who later murdered a nun in a particularly horrible way, and the Vatican continuing to oppose condom use even in the face of AIDS.

And these are the people who think they have the moral authority to tell us how to live our lives.

Come again?

That’s like Ken Starr lecturing on judicial ethics.

Friday, April 21, 2006

a video experiment

Something different today. I've been experimenting with video. Pretty creepy stuff. I like it.

Go Here to see.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

once more, uncalled for

The thing to remember about the people who put Bush into office, and keep him there, is that a big chunk of them really and truly, as God is their witness, believe that Jesus was blonde, Jews worship Satan, and anyone who can read a whole comic strip in a single sitting without moving their lips is most likely a Communist.

Monday, April 10, 2006

ah, sh*t

Jeez, but the Left irritates me. I’m supposed to be a Leftie . . . or at least that’s what hyperventilating libertarians tell me when I suggest that just maybe we could use public schools and state roads . . . but, you know, sometimes . . . all the same . . .

Like for instance:

I see in the paper that the plumbers’ union in Philadelphia has come down with a Diktat against waterless urinals because it means fewer bribes for organized crim- . . .er, I mean, less work for the guild. And the union leadership’s gotten pretty darn fierce about it.

Which means, of course, the union has handed a nearly perfect weapon to its own enemies, and at this very moment the Greens who ought to be the plumbers’ natural allies are staring in aghast horror and thinking about all those millions of gallons of clean water that COULD have been saved but won’t be . . . and Right-wing Pundits are jumping up and down and saying “See? See? We told you they were a threat to everything pure and beautiful.”

So, note to the union:

Gee, Guys, why don’t you just to shoot yourself in the head? Be a lot quicker.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Delay Departs

So Tom “The Hammer” Delay is gone. That’s a good thing.

But, come on, let’s face it. Not much is going to change.

At least, not until somebody on the side of the angels learns to be even meaner ‘n he was.

Monday, April 03, 2006

seduced necons

You may have noticed that I haven’t been saying as many nasty things about Neoconservatives lately. There is a good reason for this. Lately, some of the better sort of Neocon intellectuals have been bailing out of the Bush camp. You see, they noticed this little fact that they were being used by the W. Bushies to provide intellectual cover for some d*mn dumbest decisions yet made by human beings in elective office and now they’re basically being hung out to dry. They were, in other words, seduced and abandoned.

Or, rather more precisely, they got scr*wed.

And they didn’t even get dinner first.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Altar Boys: take two

So, a certain large Church, which shall remain nameless, has launched an effort to drive gay people from its ranks. This Church has said they are “immoral.”

This, you understand, is after the same Church played “hide the pedophile” for several decades.

It is for this reason that I’ve begun experimenting with the art of collage. One of my little works is pasted here.

Seems fitting, don’t you think?