Monday, April 03, 2006

seduced necons

You may have noticed that I haven’t been saying as many nasty things about Neoconservatives lately. There is a good reason for this. Lately, some of the better sort of Neocon intellectuals have been bailing out of the Bush camp. You see, they noticed this little fact that they were being used by the W. Bushies to provide intellectual cover for some d*mn dumbest decisions yet made by human beings in elective office and now they’re basically being hung out to dry. They were, in other words, seduced and abandoned.

Or, rather more precisely, they got scr*wed.

And they didn’t even get dinner first.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Ya know, I just can't belive a person gets to be President while being a dumb idiot. So I have to figure there is more going on than what we see. Things aren't always as they appear.
    So - what if he is not dumb, but sly like a fox? Is he just continuning the empire or avoiding economic collapse? maybe one to do the othere!?
    Maybe we should HOPE he succeeds, or should we get rid of him and his team? Good questions, I wonder if there is a clear answer.
