Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Anthony Fauci, American Hero

 So I’m reading Dr. Anthony Fauci’s new book, On Call. It is fascinating, and reading it makes you realize that Fauci has quietly labored for decades, often against impossible odds, to keep people healthy and well all over the world. 

He’s fought against, AIDS, Zika, Ebola, flus of a hundred kinds, and, of course, Covid.

You would think that no one could object to that, yet, somehow, the Right tried to make him public enemy #1, and did their best to frustrate his work. 

That’s distressing, particularly when you compare him, and all that he has done, with his chief tormentors, such as Rand Paul and Marjorie Taylor Greene. You look at the lives and careers of people like Paul and Greene, and you know that they have done basically nothing.

They’ve feathered their own nests. They’ve gained power and used it, sometimes ruthlessly. They’ve hurt others when they could. And they’ve blocked progress wherever they could.

But otherwise, nothing. They’ve done absolutely nothing. They have helped no one. They have barely noticed their constituents, much less served them. They have introduced no important legislation.

For all that they have actually achieved, they might as well have never been born at all. 

And maybe that’s really why they hate Fauci with such passion. For they know, to their shame, that in his quiet way, he has achieved greatness.

Where-as they...are nothing. Mere voids in a vacuum. Just shadows in the dark.

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