I've written that there is a growing disconnect between the needs of the Powers That Be of the postindustrial age and the rest of us. If you'd like to test that, perform the following little experiment. Gather together fifty or so people over sixty five (preferably older) and ask them about their medical care.
You won't have to wait long before you get stories about how they have been denied important medical treatments…because of their age. And I'm not talking heroic measures here—not say, face transplants or radical new therapies that come with zillion dollar price tags. I mean fairly normal, fairly inexpensive things…like some forms of chemotherapy or even physical therapy. Yet, you will hear that these people were denied because, after all, "you're old" and don't have that much time left anyway, even if you're only in your sixties and have at least a good twenty years of productive life to come.
If one were paranoid, one would suggest that such behaviors were part of a deliberate policy of, shall we shall? Thinning out the herd a little. I'm not (I think) quite on that level of suspicion, but, really, it doesn't matter. You don't need to propose a sinister plot to observe the effect. Simple economics—postindustrial economics, which do not love people—are quite enough to explain the seeming inhumanity of our era.
The Rumblings Abdominal
5 years ago
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