So I saw this disturbing article in Politico, “House Republicans unfazed by protests: ‘We’re moving forward with the cuts,’” By Ally Mutnick and Lisa Kashinsky. Basically, it says that the GOP Congressmen and -women are ignoring the protests and demonstrations breaking out in the country. They simply don’t care what protestors, or you, think about what they’re doing.
But that makes sense. They haven’t represented ordinary voters for such a long time. They represent Great Power, particularly great economic power. They are owned by Musk, now. What you want, or what anyone without a billion to their name wants, simply doesn’t matter.
Which means, unfortunately, that the traditional methods of influencing our government and its policy no longer work, at least not when you’re dealing with House Republicans. Demonstrations, messages, email, letters, and so on are useless. They couldn’t care less.
The question now is what do we do instead. I’m not sure. But, I notice with some interest that the one thing that does seem to be impacting the GOP is angry confrontations at town halls and meetings. That’s unfortunate. I wish there were a way to get our message across in a polite, civil, and controlled sort of fashion.
But if there isn’t…?
Well, one uses the tools one has at hand.
Including rage. And fury. And confrontation.
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