Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Putin’s Bounty Hunters

So now we learn that Russia was offering bounties for the lives of American soldiers. We also learn, or at least strongly suspect, that Trump knew about this from the beginning, and he either didn’t care, or didn’t notice when the information was presented to him in a national security brief.

In other words, holy crap.

I keep thinking, each time Trump does something incredibly stupid or fascistic that, “Right, here it is, he can’t keep going, this is the end...”

But, then, somehow, his supporters find a way around it. They decide that it is Fake News, or a Liberal Hoax, or, well, fill in the blank.

It is astonishing. It is amazing. It is an exercise in willful disbelief that is truly one for the ages. You have to stand in awe at their capacity for not believing the obvious.

But, then, why should I be surprised? They have so far managed to overlook the deaths of over 126,000 Americans from Covid-19 (as of this date), which Trump continues to downplay or ignore. Why should a little thing like the murder of Americans in uniform penetrate the concrete?

So...what will make them sit up and take notice? What will make them wonder if, after all, their hero is actually leading them to their destruction?

Maybe nothing. Maybe they will not notice...not even when they have entered the abattoir, and are marching with smiling faces (but not masks!) to the blade itself, and never even noticing when it enters the flesh and begins the grisly business...

Of the slaughter.


About me: I’m a writer and former journalist who has published material on everything from computers to the Jazz Age. (Among my small claims to fame is that I interviewed Steve Jobs just after that talented if complicated man got kicked out of Apple, and just before the company’s Board came begging him to come back.)

And please visit my webpage, 

Looking forward to meeting you!

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