Friday, April 17, 2020

Convid Conway

So I read the other day that Trump spokes-creature Kellyanne Conway defended her master and attacked the medical authorities and doctors who dared to disagree with the Orange One by saying that Covid-19 was a late-comer. If there was a Covid-19 then there must also have been a Covid-18, and -17, and -16, and finally all the way back to Covid-1.

Which meant, she implied, that the medical and scientific establishment must have been asleep when those other diseases came along, and now it was up to our brave and heroic (albeit pumpkin colored) Father & Teacher, from whom God takes instruction once a day, to step up and save us all.

The problem? There was no Covid-18, -17 -16, etc. The 19 in Covid-19 stands for 2019, which is when the disease was discovered. Meaning, either she is dumb as a brick or she was casting about for a lie to tell the public in the service of Dear Leader tRump. And, you know, I doubt that she is an idiot.

Of course, falsehoods are something we’ve come to expect from anyone in the Trump Administration. But, I’d submit that this is of a different order than what we’ve heard from Ms. Conway before. This is genuinely dangerous. This is the kind of statement that could get people killed.  Once you begin to cast on doubt science, and medical science at that, then you begin to encourage people to not take the kind of measures that will protect them.

Or, to put it all the another way, when you begin to behave like Trump, who has repeatedly attacked science in tweet after tweet, press conference after press conference...

You become guilty of great and deadly sins.

So let me repeat...

For God’s sake, for all our sakes, vote in 2020.

And vote blue, whatever you do.

Trump And Covid-29


About me: I’m a writer and former journalist who has published material on everything from computers to the Jazz Age. (Among my small claims to fame is that I interviewed Steve Jobs just after that talented if complicated man got kicked out of Apple, and just before the company’s Board came begging him to come back.)

Please check out my new book, Padre: To The Island, a meditation on mortality, grief, and joy, based on the lives and deaths of two of the most amazing and unconventional people I ever met, my mother and father.

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