Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Media Mystery

I’m writing this on July 12, 2024. Yesterday, Joe Biden gave what was, according to all reports, a killer press conference in which he was calm, cool, knowledgeable, and in-charge. He certainly looked that way when I watched clips of the event. 

Yet, when I glanced at the news this morning, I found that almost every mainstream media outlet reported the press conference as a tragic failure. It was as though we had seen completely different incidents. 

Bluntly, what the hell is going on? What accounts for the negativity, and the unanimity, of these reports? Why has the mainstream decided to provide only this (false) narrative? A story of Biden’s incapacity even when the evidence so obviously demonstrates that he is vital and strong.

I can only assume that powerful forces are at work here. Somewhere, somehow, important people have decided that this story that shall be told, regardless of the truth or the consequences--consequences that might include putting Trump back into the White House, and the end of American democracy.

And I’m guessing the motive is economic. Biden’s policies have not favored the favored the rich powerful, and have been to the advantage of everyone else. I’m guessing that doesn’t sit well with certain member of our elite...who also own the news media.

Which means...which means...

If we get out of this...somehow...with something like our freedom intact...then we are going to have to take a very close look at who was behind all of this. Why they acted as they did.

And what we shall do about them...

Before they can strike again.

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