Friday, July 12, 2024

The Chicken and The Times

So I saw the other day that the New York Times had shut down its account on Threads, the Twitter-alternative owned by Meta. The account’s been turned back on, and Times’ people are implying that it was removed “by accident.” But, the general betting is that was a little white lie and that the account was shut down because they did not like the way they were being treated by the other Threads-users, many of whom objected fiercely to the editorial board’s fantastically stupid and irresponsible idea of dumping Joe Biden a mere few months ahead of the election--a move which would almost certainly put Trump back in the White House.

But, rather than read the comments on Threads, and perhaps learn from them, or at the very least, crafting counter-arguments, the Times just left the platform.

This is either cowardice of the highest order, or pure arrogance. The Times Editorial Board does not, you see, deign to debate with little people.

Either way, I wonder what happened to “without fear or favor.” Or, in other words, the Times seems to have lost the courage and the humility required for true journalism.

That is terrifically sad, both for the Times, which was once a great newspaper, and for our nation, which desperately needs a bit more hard-hitting journalism, instead of pomposity, spinelessness, and inanity. 

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