Thursday, July 11, 2024

Staining The Enemy

In biology, "staining" means adding color to a sample, such as a piece of tissue or cells, to make certain parts of it easier to see under a microscope. Here in America, we’ve just had a political version of that. Specifically, we have had a number of highly placed, “elite” Democrats in the House, the Senate, the Party, and the media attempt to remove Joe Biden as the party’s candidate.

Such a thing is either a) incredibly stupid, because none of the alternatives on offer would have time to gather the resources or the votes to defeat Trump, or, b) willful sabotage by which Trump’s and/or Putin’s Fifth Column tries to derail Biden at the last minute, or, c) all these things at once.

However, these people have also done us a favor in that they have “stained” themselves. That is, they have made it easier for us to see who among the Democratic elite is actually treasonous or dim as a brick, and either way should be removed from their positions as quickly as possible.

So, as we prepare for the election, let’s take a moment to be grateful. They have identified themselves as threats to our Republic and our safety far more effectively than we could have done it ourselves.

Staining The Enemy

copyright©2024 Michael Jay Tucker

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