Thursday, July 04, 2024

Those Who Know Best...don’t.

What fascinates me about the recent attempt to force Biden out for someone else...someone “more fit” that effort seems to be coming entirely from Democratic Party insiders and potent pundits of several sorts. It does not seem to be coming from, or even be supported, by most ordinary voters.

In other words, it is an effort by Elites to remove a candidate who has been a bit too plebeian for them. That is amazing. And it makes one realize that the Democratic leadership is dangerously removed from the ordinary voters who do not live inside the Beltway, or in certain enclaves on the coasts.

Which also may explain how Donald Trump got elected in the first place.

After November, when Biden is (please God) safely in the White House for another four years, we will need to consider that fact. And perhaps plan action.


They're just so sure they know best.

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