Wednesday, July 24, 2024

An Open Letter To President Joe Biden

 Dear Mr. President

I cannot express how deeply I regret your exit from the presidential race. Frankly, I have long believed that you could have beaten Trump, and, moreover, that you could have led the country with wisdom and strength for another four years.

Again speaking frankly, I am certain that you are among the greatest presidents this country has known for the last fifty years. Indeed, as I look at your accomplishments--at the way that you took a shattered economy and a divided nation after Donald Trump’s disastrous term in the White House--I am convinced that you worked wonders. I am certain that historians will regard you as among the last great disciples of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and that you, like him, worked tirelessly for the well-being of all Americans.

Alas, those same historians will record that you were brought down by those who could not understand you, and, even if they could, were not worthy of your leadership. 

Thank you again.


Michael Jay Tucker 

An American Hero

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