Sunday, July 07, 2024

Irresponsible Adults

 Here’s the situation. If Trump gets back into the White House, we’re in deep trouble. That’s inescapable. We either vote blue or endure fascism. 

We also only have a short time between now and November. The only candidate who already has the necessary organization in place, who has the volunteers, who has the funding, and most of all, who has the name recognition to win against Trump is Joe Biden. That is a simple fact.

Yet, some powerful people in the Democratic Party, and in the media, called for Biden to step down. Given the reality of the situation, this is a perfect blue print for defeat.

When I was a boy, I remember my father talking about “irresponsibility” and the Vietnam war. He was no fan of the war, but he became incensed when critics would suggest that the war was being mis-managed (which it was, admittedly) and then demanded that the military do everything differently. They had, of course, some elaborate plan that was to be put in place.

But the reality was that such vast changes in strategy and tactics could only be managed with enormous effort. While the changes were underway, the other side would have simply won without breaking a sweat.

Thus the critics’ were irresponsible. 

And I fear that’s exactly what Biden’s critics are at the moment--irresponsible. They are calling for changes which cannot be made without losing the war entirely.

That’s something to be thought about after the election if Biden wins.

If he doesn’t win, it will be because of these same Elites and Pundits, and our only consolation is that under a Fascist dictatorship,  they will be the first into the camps, and in front of the firing squads.

It awaits them.

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