Sunday, July 21, 2024

Once again, from one of the wisest people I know...

 About today's news, my wise wife, Martha, writes as follows:

"I am deeply saddened by President Biden's decision to not seek re-election. He has had my utmost respect and support. The process by which it was done also disturbs me because it was disrespectful toward the president, created uncertainty among Democratic voters, played into Trump's hand, and was a public bullying. If the elitist players are truly concerned about Biden's health & mental capacity, they should have acted in private rather than via social media. Further, I'm afraid, because I have little confidence in the Democratic Party to move forward in a unified and responsible way to select another candidate and VP candidate and to conduct the massive organization that will be required before the convention occurs. I still feel that the emphasis should be on how to defeat Trump and ramping up the extreme danger he presents to us all. Emphasizing the various parties that will be in danger, itemizing the rights that will be lost, rather than just saying that democracy will be jeopardized, should be a large focus of the remaining time. Also, a focus on Trump's mental incompetence, is inability to build and describe policy, and his choice of a VP candidate who is himself very dangerous to our rights and well-being is desperately needed."

I see no way I could improve on her text. She says what we all should be thinking. 

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