Friday, July 05, 2024

They Just Don’t Get It.

I read an article a while back on the recent attempt by some “high ranking” Democrats to replace Joe Biden with someone younger and “more with it.” The article made the interesting point that the move was coming from “Democratic elites and nonpartisan pundits.”* 

The problem being, of course, that’s not who votes. Who votes is people, not pundits and not elites. And if either group had bothered to actually ask anyone who lives outside the Beltway or where-ever, they would have discovered that there was absolutely no support for the dangerous and probably suicidal move of switching horses in mid-stream, or given our present circumstances, in mid-tidal wave.

The fact that they would suggest such an idea without bothering to discover whether there was any support for it, says a great deal about our Elites...and little that is flattering.

Perhaps we need to ask if the Democratic party really needs leadership of that sort. Of, in other words, Democrats who are so un-democratic.

A member of the party elite...a.k.a., a pompous ass.

Footnote: “This Wouldn’t Be the First Time an Incumbent Stepped Aside. Here’s What Happened Last Time,” By JOSHUA ZEITZ, 07/03/2024 05:00 AM EDT, Politico Magazine.

#Democrats, #Elites #VoteBlue #anti-Biden

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